If you believe you have a warrant you can turn yourself in at the McKenzie County Law Enforcement Center or call 701-444-3654.
This is a list of all active warrants in McKenzie County as of 03/03/2025. You can also utilize the ND Courts Public Records Search - publicsearch.ndcourts.gov/default.aspx for an up to date list.
Active Warrant List
- as of 03/03/2025
** Please note that this list is not updated daily and will be updated on the 15th and last weekday of each month **
The listed people are currently WANTED on outstanding bench and/or committal warrants by the McKenzie County Sheriff Office.
*** DO NOT approach or confront any of the people identified ***
Members of the general public have NO AUTHORITY to detain these individuals.
If you know the whereabouts of any of these people, please contact the McKenzie County Sheriff Office at 701-444-3654 or 911.
If you wish to remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at 701-572-8477 or you can also text MCSO Tip along with your information to 847411.