
Administrative Division

The Administrative Division covers many aspects and responsibilities of the Sheriff's Office.  

A large aspect of this division is the service of civil process and criminal process, executing court orders and judgements, executing the eviction process, collecting delinquent personal property taxes and conducting foreclosure sales for the county.  All law enforcement record requests also are processed within this division.

This division is also responsible for the transportation of mental health individuals requiring involuntary committal, extraditing and transporting individuals with warrants to and from the county, serving protection orders and arrest warrants.  The Sheriff's Office also administers the Attorney General's 24/7 Sobriety program, provides fingerprinting services to the public and provides courtroom security at the McKenzie County Courthouse.

Lastly, this division also provides the overall finance services like accounts payable and receivable and all vehicle impound services. 

Under Administrative Lieutenant Dustin Newman, the Administration Division is comprised of one civil sergeant, three deputies and six administrative employees.

Units Within the Administration Division:

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